The Key to Getting You Approved

For Social Security Benefits

Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion

Social Security Disability

Q: What employers consider disability inclusion when hiring?

Not all people with disabilities are unable to work. For those who are employable but don’t know where to look for a job, the “Disability Equality Index” is an annual list of the best places to work for disability inclusion. The Index scores companies that practice inclusion in the workplace in industries including financial services, technology, insurance, and healthcare. This list may also be helpful for those sidelined with a disability who want to attempt a return to the workforce if their condition improves.

Unfortunately, many people will become disabled at some point during their working years prior to retirement. Fortunately, the federal government offers Social Security Disability Insurance (“SSDI”) to provide a portion of their former salary if they meet the qualifications of the program.

Qualifying for SSDI requires satisfying the government’s definition of being “disabled”. That means the disability must be the result of a physical or mental medical condition that’s expected to last for at least one year and/or result in death. This limits not only the applicant’s ability to perform the work they used to do but any other type of work as well. In addition, SSDI applicants must satisfy the work credits requirement by having worked the requisite number of hours and years and paid into the Social Security system through their payroll taxes in order to qualify.

Because approximately two-thirds of all initial SSDI applications are denied, it’s important to seek counsel from a skilled Arizona Social Security disability attorney, ideally for handling the initial application, but most importantly, for the appeal of a denial of benefits.

In the majority of cases where SSDI benefits are awarded, the benefits continue until the recipient dies or reaches retirement age (which is when they’re converted to Social Security retirement benefits). But in some cases, SSDI recipients may improve or recover enough to attempt a return to the workforce. In order not to jeopardize their existing benefits, it’s recommended they consult a disability benefits attorney for guidance on the strict requirements recipients must follow when re-entering the workforce.

Contact Our Arizona Social Security Disability Attorney for Help

If you need assistance with a disability benefits application or with appealing a denial of benefits, or if you have questions about returning to work, the Disability Attorneys of Arizona at Roeschke Law can help you. Contact us today for a free consultation.

From our offices in Tempe, Tucson, and Phoenix, we represent disabled people and their families throughout Arizona in all areas of disability law.

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