The Key to Getting You Approved

For Social Security Benefits

How Long Does a Disability Claim Take?

Long-Term Disability Insurance

How Long Does a Disability Benefits Application Take to Process?

Filing for disability benefits is an essential first step toward receiving the money you need for monthly bills and expenses. However, many individuals find themselves stuck in a waiting period, unable to receive the money they deserve. Understanding how long a disability benefits claim takes to process can help you prepare for the future.

On average, it takes six to seven months to get an initial decision from the Social Security Administration (SSA) about your first application. Processing times can be longer if your application is reviewed for quality purposes or if the SSA deems it necessary to send you for a medical examination.

It can be frustrating to go through the disability benefits process only to be stuck waiting for months at a time. If you need help with your application, contact an experienced disability benefits attorney on our team.

How Long Does a Reconsideration Request Take?

If your initial application is denied, you can request a reconsideration with the SSA within 60 days. A reconsideration allows your state’s Disability Determination Services (DDS) to reexamine your initial application. The SSA rejects thousands of applications every year, so you will likely have to submit this reconsideration request.

In most cases, the wait time before a reconsideration request is answered is around five months. You will receive a written notice of the decision made about your disability benefits. Unfortunately, many individuals are rejected a second time, leading to further waiting periods.

How Long is the Wait Time for a Disability Hearing?

If your application is denied again, you can request a disability hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). You must request your hearing within 60 days of receiving your denial notice. Unfortunately, wait times before disability hearings can reach as long as 13 months. Depending on which SSA regional office handles your case, you could be waiting a few months longer.

A disability hearing involves medical evidence from your medical records plus testimony from vocational and medical experts. You will have the chance to testify on your behalf about your disability and impairments. The application approval rate after a disability hearing is much higher than initial application decisions, but it is still important to prepare for your hearing as much as possible.

Why Does the SSA Take So Long to Review Applications?

The SSA is notorious for backlogged applications. Social Security receives hundreds of thousands of requests for disability hearings every year. Before cases can go to court, the judges in the appeals system must review all the paperwork in the case files. All of this takes time, leaving disabled individuals without the means to pay their bills.

Judges are expected to make at least 500 decisions about disability benefits every year. Unfortunately, many judges struggle to keep up with this expectation. The SSA is attempting to even out the workload, but it takes time.

Can You Seek Immediate Disability Payments?

Many individuals are seeking disability payments because they are unable to pay their bills. If you do not have access to food, medicine, or shelter during your waiting period, you can submit a “dire need” letter to the SSA. Include evidence like medical bills or eviction notices to help you make the case for your immediate need.

Some applicants also find it difficult to travel to their disability hearing location. The SSA has added a remote option to allow individuals to attend their hearings virtually or over the phone. You can request a virtual hearing when submitting your disability hearing request.

How Can a Disability Attorney Help Me?

Disability benefits are life-saving for individuals who cannot work because of medical impairments. Unfortunately, the sheer volume of disability applicants means that many individuals experience extended wait times. If you need financial assistance right away, our team can help you utilize your resources and submit a dire need request if applicable.

Our attorneys have years of experience helping individuals secure the disability benefits they need. We can walk you through the entire process, helping you with your application, disability hearing, and more. Call Roeschke Law today at 480-999-4740 for more information about our services.

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