The Key to Getting You Approved

For Social Security Benefits

What Questions Will You Be Asked at Your Disability Hearing?

Social Security Disability

A disability hearing allows the Social Security Administration (SSA) to determine how disabling your condition actually is and whether it actually precludes you from being able to work. Any time you are in front of a judge it can be quite nerve-wracking. That’s why it can help to anticipate the questions that you will be asked at your hearing.

How Long Can You Expect the Hearing to Last?

While every hearing is slightly different, most hearings will run for about an hour. During this time you will be asked questions by the judge as well as from your attorney should you have one. Sometimes a medical expert may also ask you questions. And finally, a vocational expert may question you about your prior work experience.

The SSA pays the medical and vocational experts, who are called as witnesses. However, these experts are tasked with the remaining objective. In other words, these witnesses are to testify on the facts of the case (your impairments) and not based on either “side” per se.

What Might the Medical Expert Ask You?

The medical expert may ask you about the symptoms you are experiencing that are associated with your disability and about their severity. While medical experts may ask you questions, they often don’t answer any questions unless the judge or the attorney asks them.

What Might the Vocational Expert Testify About?

As with the medical expert, the vocational expert is called by the judge to serve as a witness. He or she may offer testimony about vocational issues only. For example, he or she can testify regarding your prior jobs based upon your own testimony as well as what you put in writing on your application. A vocational expert may comment on the skills needed for a specific job.

What Does the Judge Need to Know?

As for the judge, he or she must understand that your mental and physical limits are a result of your disability. With this in mind, to prove your case, you will want to provide more objective or quantifiable evidence and facts. For instance, instead of stating that you have back pain, you will want to explain that you experience a severe stabbing pain in your back whenever you lift more than 10 pounds. You may then want to give examples of things that you can no longer lift (e.g. your kids, your grocery bags, etc.)

The Las Vegas SSD Attorneys at Roeschke Law, LLC Can Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with a disability that prevents you from working, you may not know how to proceed. Fortunately, the attorneys at Roeschke Law, LLC can help. We understand the impact that a disability can have on your physical, emotional, and financial health. That’s why it’s our mission to help you. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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